History and Evolution of SEO
WHAT IS SEO SEO stands for search engine optimization. It's the process of improving your websites to attract more people while they search for your services or products in google, bing and such other search engine. 
SEO was started in 1991. In the same year first website was launched. It didn't take much time for one to become many. While the competition was getting tougher and tougher, in 1993 world trade centre was attacked and when the news unfolded people were seeking information of what exactly happened, how many people were killed and other information related to the attack in the world trade centre. people flock to different news sites for information. Google team was disappointed because they weren't able to give quality information about the event, this made them question their role and responsibility it also made them realise that they have to do much better to catch more attention. So Google moved its news sources links from the home page to a new page of news and support resources. The "new links and support information" page was far more extensive than the handful of links previously offered. Cached links to media sites were removed. Now the transformation was nearly complete. Google moved from actually advertising its visitors to leave the Web in favour of traditional broadcast media to providing visitors with a set of links in a variety of topical areas. In effect, Google later came up with three process which are crawling, caching and indexing.
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